Dr. Saeed Akhtar
Chairman Board of Governors, PKLI&RC, Lahore
Professor of Urology and Transplant Surgery
Diplomat American Board of Urology
Ex- Governor, American College of Surgeons for Pakistan
Chairman’s Message
It has been an honor and a privilege, remaining associated with Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center (PKLI&RC). Since inception, we have been working hard, to offer excellent healthcare services to the deserving members of the society. I feel humbled and immensely grateful for the unwavering support rendered by each one of the staff members in this institute’s operational journey.
Since inception, PKLI&RC’s priority has been the 10 million Hepatitis C and 5 million Hepatitis B patients in the country. PKLI has been successfully performing Kidney and Liver Transplants and other major surgeries, including laser surgery for stone, Liver Resection, and major cancer surgeries for bladder tumors requiring bladder reconstruction. The institute has effectively served millions of patient interactions so far.
PKLI’s highly trained surgeons have successfully conducted thousands of major and minor surgeries, including nearly 1400 kidney and liver transplantations. Thousands of dialysis treatments have also been provided to the patients. Because the urge to save lives and helping the volatile members of the society had been the major drive behind this institute and there have been dramatic changes in the challenges faced by the nation,
PKLI&RC was able to rapidly transform its role to one of the premium coronavirus care centers. Hundreds of PKLI’s coronavirus patients have already recovered, returned home and they are now leading a normal life.
I am proud of the fact that the hospital has never compromised on the quality of healthcare being provided by the hospital. Our focus has always been on maintaining the highest standards of service delivery by providing top-notch medical facilities. As part of our on-going commitment to remaining at the cutting-edge of innovation and technology, we have realized the idea of introducing modern screening equipment with the ‘Positron Emission Tomography-Computed’ generally known as PET-CT. PKLI, now, also owns SPECT Scan (Gamma Camera), a number of procedures are being done in the Endoscopy unit.
We have been working and will continue to work, tirelessly, to ensure top of the line services for our patients. In the backdrop of an ever-increasing and a huge number of patients having kidney and liver diseases, limited resources have always been one of the greatest challenges faced by the institute, in providing treatment to the deserving patients. PKLI has been providing either free-of-cost or subsidized treatment to people, who need it the most, without discrimination.
Let us all join our hands together and pledge our support to the fight against inequalities and deficiencies in our country’s healthcare infrastructure so that we can significantly lessen the burden of disease, whether this is an ailment related to kidney and liver.