State-of-the-art Haemotology
PKLI&RC’s Pathology service is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the town, offering a wide range of diagnostic and clinical support services to Liver, Kidney, and Solid Organ transplant patients in particular and other categories in general.
Our highly qualified consultant pathologists and technical staff provide extensive diagnostic, clinical, and interpretative advice. Our laboratories operate 24 hours a day combined with clinical and scientific advice all the time.
The hospital has a fully automated laboratory with the latest equipment and optimized procedures in 7 disciplines including, Microbiology, Immunology, Histopathology, Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Molecular Pathology, and Blood Bank. We are also proud owners of a Total Lab Automation System (TLA) with 3000 tests per hour capacity.
It is a heartening gesture to enlighten that PKLI has been honored for successfully establishing the first Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics laboratory of the town for liver and renal transplant patients.
On Quality Assurance front, PKLI has achieved the EAQS certificate of excellence in Clinical Chemistry and Haematology. Similarly, our blood bank has been awarded the Certificate of Appreciation for safe transfusion by the Punjab Transfusion Authority.
Our hematology clinic services are also held 4 days a week, including general and pediatric hematology, haemato-oncology protocols BCSH Level-1.